Personal Loans


When you need to borrow, think of Sunrise Family Credit Union first and get your loan quickly. Apply online, by phone, mail or at one of our branches.

Use a SFCU personal loan for:

  • Furniture
  • Personal Computer
  • Vacation
  • Elective surgery or dental expenses
  • Tuition
  • Home Repairs
  • Bill Consolidation
  • Taxes
  • Other personal needs

Sunrise Family Credit Union has been serving members throughout the area for over 60 years. We remain dedicated to providing personal, sound comprehensive financial services to our members. We are now making the Loan processes easier and meeting the needs of you and your families. Let us help you reach your goals and dreams with our friendly and knowledgeable staff because family matters to you and you matter to us!


Apply Here



Click here for printable form.

Print form and send or drop off to our office in:  Bay City - 404 S. Euclid Ave., Bay City, MI 48706, Essexville - 190 N. Powell Rd., Essexville MI 48732, or Standish 3887 S. Huron Rd., Standish, MI 48658

Could you use some extra cash this year? For a small fee of $25 you may skip your qualifying loan payment*. To participate in the Skip-A-Payment program, just complete an application form and MAIL or BRING IT IN to the credit union for approval. All postponed loan payments are a limit of two (2) Skip-A-Payments per loan, per year and members must meet the requirements. Skip-a-Pay form is available online or at our three locations Bay City, Essexville and Standish.

*All loans must be current to qualify for postponed loan payment. The member will not qualify if they have caused the credit union a loss or who has had any charged off loans that were not redeemed.*Mortgages, home equity, credit cards, lines of credit and loans with less than 6 payments made are not eligible. Some restrictions apply.  

Thank you for Choosing Sunrise Family Credit Union for all your Borrowing needs!

Apply here


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